Handling Orders and Order Fulfillment

Handling orders for iCentiPay 3 is easy.

Once you get an order, follow the steps below.

  1. Check what items needs to be fulfilled
  2. Fulfill the order
  3. Bring the order to your delivery center location
  4. Notify your customer via in-game mail or email, with the location of the delivery center (ex. location ID, and/or coordinates).
  5. /cmodify your customer to the chest
  6. Add a sign with order details (Example below)
  7. That’s it!

To receive your Forsals, you must complete the order through your store control panel. Simply click on the check mark beside the order to complete it. You’ll receive your Forsals through iCentiPay.

Sign structure:
Order Number
Your in-game username

Order #01